Byzanz is a free opensource GNOME based Command-Line utility to capture desktop recording software for linux. This should probably be the coolest command-line utility that I have seen in recent days. Byzanz records your desktop session to an animated GIF. You can record your entire screen, a single window, an arbitrary region or even follow the cursor. Given that it is only a GIF format makes it even more an intersting proposition as the file size is going to be very small.
Install Byzanz
To install Byzanz on your openSUSE, click one of the following 1-click installers based on your openSUSE Linux version
openSUSE 11.0
openSUSE 10.3
openSUSE 10.2
NOTE: Click here to enable 1-click install in openSUSE 10.2
This should download the YaST MetaPackage file (YMP) for Byzanz and launch the YaST Package manager for installation. Click next on the window showing the selected repositories and next again on the package selection window and finally click Next on the installation proposal window. This should add the required repositories (click import when prompted to import the GPG Keys) and install byzanz package and the required dependencies. Click Finish when the installation is completed succesfully.
This installs the executable byzabz-recorder under /usr/bin
opensuse11:/ # which byzanz-record
To record a simple 10 second clip on your desktop,
opensuse11:~ # byzanz-record desk.gif
NOTE: Click the above image to view the desktop recording
The default duration or the delay for the recording is 10seconds. However, this can be set to your required duration as follows:
opensuse11:~ # byzanz-record –delay=100 desk.gif
To follow the cursor where you can capture the windows opened by your mouse click as follows
opensuse11:~ # byzanz-record –delay=100 -c desk.gif
In the above the “-c” option follows your cursor
To customize the size of the final image (height & width)
opensuse11:~ # byzanz-record –delay=100 –height=300 –width=300 desk.gif
To set the starting point of your recording (X & Y co-ordinates on your screen),
opensuse11:~ # byzanz-record –x=100 –y=300 desk.gif
For more options use the help option
opensuse11:~ # byzanz-record –help
byzanz-record [OPTION…] record your current desktop sessionHelp Options:
-?, –help Show help options
–help-all Show all help options
–help-gtk Show GTK+ OptionsApplication Options:
-d, –duration=SECS Duration of animation (default: 10 seconds)
–delay=SECS Delay before start (default: 1 second)
-l, –loop Let the animation loop
-c, –cursor Record mouse cursor
-x, –x=PIXEL X coordinate of rectangle to record
-y, –y=PIXEL Y coordinate of rectangle to record
-w, –width=PIXEL Width of recording rectangle
-h, –height=PIXEL Height of recording rectangle
-v, –verbose Be verbose
–display=DISPLAY X display to use