Nagstamon is a Nagios status monitor sits in the systray or on desktop as floating statusbar to inform you in realtime about the status of your Nagios monitored network. It works best with GNOME but also with KDE and in Windows.
Install Nagstamon in openSUSE
Before installing Nagstamon, the “python-lxml” package needs to be installed for Nagstamon to work. Install python-lxml as follows:
opensuse:~ # yast2 -i python-lxml
Now, download Nagstamon installation RPM package from here and install as follows:
opensuse:~ # yast2 -i nagstamon-0.7.1-2.noarch.rpm
This should install Nagstamon under “Applications – Internet – More Programs”.
Click to launch Nagstamon, enter the Nagios server information like the URL to access, the CGI path, user account details and then customize the view like to have a floating status bar on the desktop or a systray icon etc. Once done, you should see the nagios monitoring at a click of a button.
Click here to visit the project home. For more information on Nagios click here
On Debian, you need to install at least these packages:
shell$ sudo aptitude install python-setuptools python2.5 python-gnome2-extras python-lxml
I would imagine some of these or similar packages are needed on SuSE also, especially since you have KDE4’s menu, you’d need the GNOME packages.
However, I still cannot get the app to run:
shell$ nagstamon
No module named Nagstamon
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/nagstamon/nagstamon”, line 61, in
output = nagstamonGUI.GUI(conf=conf, servers=servers, Resources=Resources)
File “/usr/lib/nagstamon/”, line 82, in __init__
File “/usr/lib/nagstamon/”, line 113, in CreateOutputVisuals
gtk.window_set_default_icon_from_file(self.Resources + “/nagstamon” + self.BitmapSuffix)
glib.GError: Couldn’t recognize the image file format for file ‘/usr/lib/nagstamon/resources/nagstamon.svg’
Replying to myself here, the fix for Debian Sid is to install the package, ‘librsvg2-common’.
I’ve written up a quick HowTo for Debian Sid on my blog at
yast2 -i python-lxml is deprecated, one should use “zypper in python-lxml” instead. And the second package is installed better with “rpm -ivh nagstamon-0.8.2-2.noarch.rpm” (depending on the version, of course). The rason for that is that since SUSE 10.1 zypper is the software in the middle, so to install a package from a known repository you should use zypper, and fro packages lying around on the disk, rpm -i was always the best choice 😉