RedNotebook – free opensource Diary and Journal for Linux


  1. ITYM diary. A Dairy is where milk comes from…

  2. Author

    @Jim:Thanks fixed now!

  3. oneclick install failed… -dependency python-yaml was not resolved automatically. Manual install worked – nice tool

  4. ITYM diary. A Dairy is where milk comes from…

  5. Hi, I’m very interested in Linux but Im a Super Newbie and I’m having trouble deciding on the right distribution for me (Havent you heard this a million times?) anyway here is my problem, I need a distribution that can switch between reading and writing in English and Japanese (Japanese Language Support) with out restarting the operating system.

  6. @Emily N.: Welcome to Linux. I’m pretty new myself 🙂

    I would suggest trying the following 3 and choosing which works best for you:

    1) Ubuntu 10.04
    2) Linux Mint 10.04
    3) openSUSE 11.3

    All 3 have switching between Japanese and English without any problems and especially without restarting. They work great out of the box and support tons of applications, drivers, etc.

    (I like openSUSE the best if you want my recomend)


  7. Oh, and GNOME not KDE of course (you’ll get the choice. Ubuntu and Linux Mint are default GNOME. the KDE Ubuntu is called Kubuntu. openSUSE is KDE by default but has an equally good GNOME version).

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